FEC operational risk assessment considerations: Guest Communications

FEC operational risk assessment considerations: Guest Communications 1024 576 SMART Entertainment

At SMART Entertainment, we want to support our operators as they inevitably seek to reopen in a secure and safe manner. As a member of BALPPA, we are listening and learning about the changing governmental advice on what safe reopening looks look in the industry.

We have identified how SMART Entertainment can support your business with re-opening and feed into your new standard operating procedure. The points throughout this blog are extracted from the UK Reopening Guidance for Hospitality Businesses, specifically the ‘Family Entertainment centres operational risk assessment considerations’ section which can be found here.

The guidance is NOT a legal document, but it is intended to help hospitality businesses plan and prepare their own operational procedures measured against the overarching Government COVID-19 Secure guidelines. The references made are present in version 1.0 and will undergo revision as further guidance and operational practices develop. This guidance should be read in conjunction with the latest Government social distancing guidelines and premises closure restrictions.

Guest Communications

Guest communications and resulting guest behaviours will play a large part in the relaunch of our family entertainment centres. The use and operating culture of centres will need to be reviewed and assessed in line with the new social distancing protocols we now live with.

These changes should be communicated to customers prior to planning a visit, at the main point of entry, and throughout your facility in key points. Furthermore, communication throughout the entire guest journey will assist with the day to day operation and compliance with new centre procedures and customer guidance.

COVID19 Secure Guidelines for hospitality businesses

Guest Pre visit communication

  • Utilise website and social media channels giving guests pre-visit information on what the centre has in place to control risks and support social distancing.
  • Pre booking information on suitability of your facility and recommendations for guests from greater risk groups or medically vulnerable people not to attend.
  • Use pre booking online question fields within the online journey to help guests establish if a trip to an FEC is suitable for them at this time.
  • At every point of the customers journey information should be highlighted about not attending your facility if they are feeling ill, are showing signs of the virus or live in the same household as someone with the virus.
  • Display information about what a guest should do if they start to feel ill whilst on site – and a protocol put in place, where customers are taken to an area to minimise contact with staff and others guests, whilst assistance is sought.
  • Try and promote your site as a contactless payment preferred venue – cashless and pre booked tickets online and food ordering.

What this means for SMART operators:

We encourage operators to communicate with their guests. We allow you to edit booking confirmations to include information about what the venue is implementing to control risks and important measures to help combat COVID-19. As the details may change, operators can include hyperlinks to their website to show accurate, up to date information in one single place.

You can create task emails to send to customers before their visit. This may include reminders about the control methods in place and the circumstances when customers should not attend the venue, such as feeling they are feeling ill, are showing signs of the virus or live in the same household as someone with the virus.

Promote your venue as a contactless payment preferred venue. Where needed, you can generate a payment link in advance of the visit, so guests need to pay their outstanding balance before arriving at the venue. This can be done via our tasks area on the system.

For further information on SMART Entertainment’s solutions, contact us on 0333 444 0944 or email sales@smart-entertainment.co.uk