7 Points to consider for Indoor Play reopening after COVID-19

7 Points to consider for Indoor Play reopening after COVID-19 1024 576 SMART Entertainment

Stay At Home, Stay Safe and Stay Alert – part of the message that has been broadcast throughout the UK during this pandemic that is ever-changing. But what about when the restrictions start to be relaxed? In the world of leisure, what can be done to minimise the risk of spreading Coronavirus?

Over the last few weeks, we have been contacted by a number of operators exploring ideas of what can be done to get businesses back open whilst maintaining social distancing rules. We would like to share a few of those suggestions with you for consideration.

Sell admission tickets online in advance

Use a booking solution to sell admission tickets in advance with limited numbers available, and create session start times. Limit numbers for each session, and plan 30 minutes or more in between for sanitising tables and chairs, and if you have one – use a fogging machine to disinfect the venue.

Offer only Exclusive Party bookings

To maintain restrictions in numbers, offer exclusive parties only. Limit the number of parties offered in a day, with a maximum number of guests. If you want to run exclusive party days, ensure you allow cleaning time in between parties for sanitising & fogging, and ensuring there is no contact between different party groups.

Ask customers to complete and agree to a disclaimer or rules of play in advance  

As part of the booking, whether it be an admission or party booking, include a link for the customer to sign a disclaimer or rules of play confirming they accept the rules of social distancing, sanitation and other rules whilst visiting your venue.

Plan table layouts for spectators

Space tables out to allow 2m in between each to ensure social distancing. The number of tables can be planned out to accommodate the number of visitors to the venue.

Invest in a fogging machine

Invest in your own machine to be used in between play sessions and parties. Advertise that on your website, social media and other means. Show your customers a video of a fogging session for reassurance.

Offer the sale of Gift Vouchers

Offer the ability to purchase Gift Vouchers via your website for children’s birthday gifts ready for reopening. Vouchers can be purchased as an e-Voucher and emailed to the recipient’s parents or printed out to be sent along with a card.

Start promoting & using Social Media

Take the time at the moment to review your social media presence and engage with your customers. For total beginners, there are a number of free courses and resources available via the National Careers Service (https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/find-a-course/the-skills-toolkit)

We are reviewing these courses to better ourselves in the understanding of marketing, and to pass that knowledge to our customers.

SMART’s BookMy solutions can assist with the managing of admissions and party bookings for venues in the leisure industry, including Soft Play, Bowling and Role Play. We have recently introduced our FrontDesk solution adapted to suit the needs of the Play industry. SMART FrontDesk handles capacity counters & disclaimers for play venues for complete venue Reception management.

For further information, contact SMART on 0333 444 0944 or email sales@smart-entertainment.co.uk